
The prompt for this project was to create a logo with an animal for a fictional company. We had just had a guest in class that talked about how circular logos were in style, and I wanted to keep the logo simple and scalable, which made me think of a spiral. I tried using the spiral tool in Illustrator, but it didn’t look the way I wanted it to, I had envisioned an equally space spiral, so I used YouTube to find a tutorial on how to achieve that aesthetic.

Once I had that, something just clicked, and I had the vision of a fish following a fishing-line/fly. We were given free rein to decide what kind of company it was, and so naturally I ended up choosing a fly-fishing shop.

When I first started designing the fish, I looked up trout, knowing they are common in fly-fishing had some pink coloration that I thought I could use for the logo. I tried to match the colors to real life, but as you can see in the examples above, it didn’t come across very well.

I came back to class the next day, and got some feedback from Frankie and my classmates. They all mentioned the colors being off, so I messed around with a tool that assists with finding complimentary colors, and settled on a more vibrant color scheme.

I had started the assignment a little ahead of schedule, on Friday instead of Monday, since I was finished with all of my other assignments, and it wasn’t until Monday that I learned that we were to create a mind-map of the project, so I did this a little out of order. Here is what I came up with for the mind map:

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